Why Not Me ????

In summer season the sun's rays are almost vertical that's why it causes hot weather conditions. 
The benefit of winter is that we have to put woolen clothes which costs nothing and in summer we have to wear light clothes as well as we always switch on our fans, cooler's, AC's. Which doubles our electricity bill. But it is a need. 
It was a month of may 2019 . My daughters vacations are started she watch cartoons continuously on television . Most of the time our AC is ON as it was really very hot weather
In the end of the month  a very high amount electricity bill came🧐 ( it was as expected by me but not by my husband) then discussion starts and the following questions asked by my husband : -

1. What is the need to switch on AC all the time? πŸ€”

     I replied not all the time its in afternoon and in night. 

2. Then you have to keep it ON at night only no need to use it in noon. 

   I told but it's very hot in noon. 

3. No more questions you have to adjust anyhow

   I said why only I have to do compromise in every situation. In your office you always enjoy AC and at home you are putting restrictions just because you go to office and I stay at home . This is not fair at all. And if this is your decision to use AC in night and not in noon so just reverse it. We will use in noon and not in night just be happy. 

My hubby's face became comical he just laughed and told I know that you react like this only 🀣 want to see your reaction that's why I take the topic of electricity bill and he just laughing continuously . By listening all this I also started laughing. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸ€£

And finally he told "Do whatever you want to do" Just be happy😊


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