
What is Orkut

I think many people of mid age group knows about Orkut and today's generation don't hear about it alsoπŸ€”


Orkut was a  first famous social networking website owned and operated by Google. The service was designed to help users meet new and old friends just like Facebook. But as the time passes Facebook succeeded and Orkut failed.πŸ˜’

Learn to Chat

I was 17 when I started using Orkut and really it was too funny that your all messages ( we use to call them scraps) which you send and which you received are read by anyone πŸ˜πŸ˜„ . I feel very happy when I use to chat on Orkut actually I learnt chatting from Orkut only.πŸ˜‡

On Orkut we also use to write Testimonials for our special friends also but frankly speaking in my case  90% peoples are strangers only 😜because I use to accept requests from everybody as I was not mature enough to understand what is right and what is wrong 😝

Time passes and suddenly Facebook enters in my life till that time I had done masters in social network sites 🧐. I started using Facebook which had very advanced features  and orkut become outdated. During those days I view my orkut profile once in month. (at one time I use to login 15-20 times in a day)πŸ‘€

Then one day suddenly a news came that orkut is going to close now. Then on  September 29  2014  I logged into Orkut for the last time ..πŸ˜₯

But  still   " I Miss You Orkut".....😞


  1. Haha I actually remember my initial days. When I entered in Social media platforms. Although Facebook or Orkut like social media app warns us that under 13 can't make their profile. But we were smart enough to make them fool.

  2. nice

    visit mine as well


  3. Old memories come back when we see our old activity.

    Nice article

  4. Nice ����

  5. I also have used orkut that time. It is ended due to its reach problem in other countries.

  6. beatiful blog...

    please, visit mine as well...


  7. NostalgiaπŸ’“πŸ’“



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