Copper Bottle

Importance of Copper Bottle

We all listen about the importance of copper and how beneficial the water  kept in copper bottle is very well known to us. It helps in improvement of digestion , lose weight and slow down aging etc. πŸ‘¬

As me and my husband both are very aware about the importance of copper we decided to use copper bottle only for drinking water. We purchase 2 bottles of copper and then start using them. And my duty is to fill both bottles again n again when they became empty. 🍢

In the beginning everything was fine but later on or I can say after becoming mom 🀰 I became busy and then I stop filling water in it I told my husband that you just fill your bottle but he had not filled it and stop using it. I thought may be he is not liking it so he also stop using it. I also did not talk much about it as I was busy with my daughter. πŸ™…

As my daughter grown up I plan to focus on my health again πŸƒ‍♀️and I thought to use copper bottle I cleaned it and filled water in it but next day I found the bottle was empty. The water drank by my hubby and order is given to me that from tomorrow onwards just fill my bottle too babybabyπŸ₯°. I asked then why you stop using it  ? He told casually who will clean the bottle and then who will fill it again and again that's why I stopped it but now again I become health conscious so just do it... πŸ‘»

Finally I understand why he stopped using copper bottle water and now why he start using it again
It proves how lazy hubbies are and for household work they are totally depend on us only!!!! πŸ™†‍♂️πŸ’


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