Fish Oil πŸ˜›

Fish oil considers as one of the best source of Omega 3 which is very important for our health. But for vegetarians intake of pure Fish Or fish oil is not possible so, fish oil capsule is good and possible option for them . 
I want to give my daughter fish oil capsules daily but she is not at all ready to take it . My bottle of capsules becoming old day by day but what should I do I am not able to understand. As I don't want to throw the bottle of capsule also because I want to recover my money 🀣🀣. Than I decided to consume capsules and then I stop forcing my daughter to take it. But I take in her presence only hoping that by looking to me someday she will tell me that I also want to eat mumma. 
Then one day (last to last week) she saw me combing my hairs and then she asked me I also want long hairs like you, how can I get long hairs like you( My hairs are not that long but as compare to her yes πŸ˜πŸ˜„) . Suddenly an idea came in my mind and I told her that I daily take fish oil capsules which you refused to take so because of that capsule my hairs grow so long. She told nothing and then on the same day in the evening she came to me with a bottle of fish oil capsules and told me please give me water I want to take it as I also want long hairs. 
Yipee  finally my mission become successful
Really Mom's are the best 😊😊


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