T. V Remote

Fight for T. V Remote⌨ How many of us had not done fight for T. V remote with our siblings in our childhood π. I think that there is very less percentage of this kind of sage people because many of us had done itπ . If you had siblings, just remember after coming from school we all just started searching remote and who find the remote first that just behaves like the owner of the T.Vπ as everyone wants to watch their favourite channel .Hiding remote, snatching remote from one another was common activity done by us π» Sometimes some good moments are also there were we did not fight for remote and enjoy. Like I am not a cricket lover πbut I enjoyed watching 2011 World Cup finals in which India wonπ and one more common serial was "Small Wonder" Which is watched by all without fightingπ¨π©π§π¦ Time changes and all our siblings were Separated from each other. Now we have T. V remote, we have time and lots of channels also. In short, we have full right on television...